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This anthology includes works inspired by Greek and Celtic myth as well as personal experience.


Ideas, like stars, burn brightest when they have found their purpose and their path.


Poetry and prose—inspired by life experiences, dreams, and the heart's deepest longings—come from those ideas. Follow their journey and see where they take you. Born of a magic kindled from inspiration and a yearning to live, the works within have the ability to transport you across the heavens, through dreams and beyond. Each piece holds one small fragment, one that gets to live on its own. If they work their enchantment on you, dear reader, bring you to think beyond your earthbound existence, then I have been successful.

Hippocrene's Promise — anthology


Dreams live among us, forever fueling our desires and ecstasies, coaxing us to live in the essence of our mind.


Storytelling touches a piece of us that lives on after we are no longer on this earthly plane. We live in the ethereal when we understand how language nurtures us, like starlight keeps the heavens alive. If not for our stories, we would not exist. They provide the heartbeat and the life’s blood that bring true magic. Reading poetry and stories unites us because every syllable is an utterance toward the divine.

Hippocrene's Dream — anthology



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